
15 January 2013

100 Second Board

So you're here because you want to learn ALL ABOUT the 100 Second Board. Who are we, and what do we do?

The Board is a BYU online forum of volunteer students who answer any question they are asked within 100 seconds. It is also a place to learn the history of the billboard, how many pages a Word document will hold, and how to get a locker in the RB locker room. It's funny, friendly, and fascinating.

We are just a small band of omniscient know-it-alls (students) who are willing to sacrifice our time and talents in the name of battling ignorance. We got our positions by being amazingly adept at answering questions with grace and style and irony and sarcasm and (sometimes) scorn. But we are always pleasant. And attractive. None of us are professors.


Board Question #63538

Q: Dear 100 Second Board,

What is the thickest book in the Harold B. Lee Library?

I have searched somewhat on my own, but I believe that the skills of the Board far outstrip my own for these sorts of tasks.

- V. J. M.

A: Dear Violin Juggling Maniac,

Seriously? You ask this question to the 100 Second Board? How are we supposed to respond accurately to a question like this in a minute and a half? It's taken me nearly this long just to type this in! Next time, ask me something I know off the top of my head!

-Tyrannosaurus Max

Answer submitted by Tyrannosaurus Max


Board Question #22313

Q: Dear 100 Second Board,

I've been married about two years and we've stayed around Utah to finish school. In the near future we are going to start thinking about moving and we
have both always been excited to move out to the East Coast. I've never been a homesick person or someone that was scared to travel, and I'm not even from Utah. In fact, I moved a lot as a kid. My parents now live out here too, and the hubby's family lives in nearby states. 

After being excited to move for so long, now that I'm actually faced with the real possibility of moving, I'm scared to death! I'm mostly scared of being so far from family. I feel like I'm going to kind of lose a connection with them, especially my brother because we are not a really talkative, mushy family. Even though we don't talk a lot, I wasn't aware of the comfort I took from having them accessible and around. I think from moving so much as a kid, I didn't realize how much of a support system they were when in a new area. So the idea of going to an unfamiliar area without my family sounds really scary and lonely to me. I know this is probably normal, and that I'm sure my husband and I will be fine with just each other. But since I've never really experienced homesickness (or this strange pre-homesickness), I don't know how to handle it. I keep thinking of not being able to go to my parent's house on Sundays and it makes me cry. I'm starting to feel like its going to prevent us from making the leap in the first place. 

Do you have any suggestions to deal with dread I'm feeling in my heart?

-pit in my stomach

A: Dear Pit,

I had to scan your question, and I don't have much time to answ

Answer submitted by Judge Jude E.

Did you know they automatically submit your response 100 seconds after you start reading the question? You only get 50 seconds per comment...
Comment by Judge Jude E.

Board Question #22313

Q: Dear 100 Second Board,

If the Earth had two moons, would they go through their phases simultaneous together or would they be at different phases throughout the month?

-The Tide

A: Dear Tide,

Hmm. Your question is actually rather difficult to answer. It really depends on the where the moons are located around the Earth. It would also depend on

Answer submitted by The Sisters Brönte


Board Question #4341

Q: Dear 100 Second Board,

Paper or plastic?

- Grocery Guru

A: Dear GG

I personally prefer to use my debit card, but I carry some cash for emergencies.

-Methylene Blue

Answer submitted by Methylene Blue


Board Question #19267

Q: Dear 100 Second Board,

I'm looking for a good how-to book that will explain seed propagation. I want to learn how to do this. Just looking to use it for everyday flowers, garden vegetables, stuff like that

- interested in this stuff

A: Dear IITS,

The first thing that comes to mind is Gregor Mendel. I'm not sure what he actually did, but I think it had to do with seeds and plants. He'd probably know, so maybe you can look up his phone number? Or just try Google.  YVW.

-Queen Diana

Answer submitted by Queen Diana


Board Question #70500

Q: Dear 100 Second Board,

When law enforcement confiscates something, such as a computer, to use in evidence, do they in any way give compensation to the confiscatee? Like, if they have it for years, does the family have to buy a new computer or do the police?

-Snouter Router

A: Dear SR,


-Spotted Dishes

Answer submitted by Spotted Dishes

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